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Just like Fireblade Software said they would some time ago, they've delivered. The naval adventure game with an incredible style, Abandon Ship, is now available on Linux.
Developer Joshua Ashton has just today released another build of D9VK code-named 'Frog Cookie', further polishing this D3D9 to Vulkan layer that was forked from DXVK.
Featuring a sweet fairy-powered protagonist wielding a sword so big they can hardly move, Mable & The Wood certainly presents a healthy amount of charm.
Looking for your next adventure? Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition just got even bigger with a new "premium module" DLC Tyrants of the Moonsea now available.
Feral Interactive announced earlier today that the Eight Princes DLC for Total War: THREE KINGDOMS is now officially available on Linux. Plus there's a nice big Total War sale going on.
If you're like me and you enjoy a good real-time strategy game, Loria is actually pretty good. It added Linux support on Steam earlier this year and now it's also available on GOG.
Set on a huge procedurally generated world, Project 5: Sightseer from the developer of Windward is a sandbox open-world survival game where you pilot various vehicles.
Ah yes, one of my favourite days of the week. The day I get to unleash more glorious puns about Wine with another release now available for those of you wanting to run Windows games and applications on Linux.
Ion Fury (previously Ion Maiden) from Voidpoint and 3D Realms has been officially released, this retro inspired FPS looks fantastic and it comes with full Linux support.
Caligari Games and Daedalic Entertainment have today released their time bending adventure game The Great Perhaps and with it comes same-day Linux support as promised.